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1. WHO IS STARFASHION SA?Starfashion SA is an import and distribution company since 2001, based in Lausanne and Glattbrugg (Zürich-Opfikon). Contact us for: - Import and logistics - After-sales - Billing - Marketing and avertising - Any inquiries +41 21 311 32 38
2. WHO IS FRAMEWORK SA?FRAMEWORK SA is our partner for the commercial sales who's agents are Geraldo Egitto and Thai Nguyen. Contact them for: - Seasonal sales - Reorders - Commercial inquiries +41 44 810 36 36
3. AS NEW B2B CUSTOMER, HOW CAN WE TAKE A RENDEZ-VOUS?"You can contact Geraldo +41 79 772 61 68 | or Thai Nguyen +41 79 822 63 67 | or fill in the form on our website:

4. WERE IS BASED YOUR AFTER-SALE PLATEFORM?The after sale service is based in Lausanne, Switzerland. For any inquiry on our commercial and invoicing policies, after-sale and delivery policies, information, order and re-order confirmation, our registered customers can receive the code to download our policies on
5. IS SCHOTT NYC BRAND WELL KNOWN?Schott NYC brand is a famous brand from New York City since 1913. Today, it has different lines as follow: 
 1. Schott USA (Made in USA line) 
 2. Schott Europe (European line, more fitted and fashion) 
 3. Schott Limited Edition (the high end level of Schott, available only in top stores) 
 4. Schott Perfecto Brand (an original root line made in USA)
6. WHICH KIND OF ARTICLES DOES SCHOTT NYC?Schott is a very strong brand in all leather and textile jackets. However, it has other garments like sweaters, printed and basic t-shirts, shirts, army pants, shorts, bags and accessories.
7. HAS SCHOTT NYC ITS OWN SHOP?Yes, Schott NYC has its stores in differents cities in Europe, USA. In Switzerland, you can find the flagship store in Lausanne, Rue de l'Ale 26. The official Schott NYC webstore for Switzerland is :
8. IS SCHOTT NYC ONLY A MEN'S BRAND?No, Schott has also a women's line and even kid's line (this last one not yet available in Switzerland).
9. CAN WE FOLLOW YOUR ACTIVITIES ON SOCIAL MEDIAS?Yes, we are on linkedin, Facebook, Instagram ( (@starfashionsa) (@schottnycswitzerland)
10. WHAT'S ELSE?Ask any questions on:
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